
作者:网友提供 时间:2020-03-23

  Ⅰ.核心学习:Weekend away with Colleagues 与同事周末去玩
  Steve: I am so tired of the city life.
  Mike: Do you mean all the long hours at work as well as the noise and bustle of the big smoke?
  迈克: 你是指工作时间很长以及嘈杂的声音和飞驰的浓烟?
  Steve: Got it in one my friend.
  Mike: How about we suggest that we all go away for a company outing to somewhere rural?
  迈克: 我们建议公司里所有的人去乡下某个地方玩玩,怎么样?
  Steve: That sounds like an interesting idea. Where could we go?
  Mike: Well we live in this huge city, so how about we go somewhere that is the complete opposite?
  Steve: Do you mean somewhere in the countryside?
  Mike: Yep - let's find a small village and spend the weekend away.
  Steve: Cool! And it will be even better if we can convince the taskmaster to pay the bill!
  1) Bustle: moving quickly
  ex:Sometimes the hustle and bustle of the city just gets me down, so I escape to somewhere slower and quieter.
  2) Outing: a trip away
  ex:One of the best ways to refresh yourself is to have an outing somewhere completely different.
  3) Rural: the opposite of urban, the countryside
  ex:The majority of Chinese people live in rural areas and not in big cities.
  4) Taskmaster: your boss, the person who tell you what to do
  ex:I can't go out for a beer tonight because my taskmaster wants me to finish an important report.

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