
作者:网友提供 时间:2020-03-17



  托福作文: 其实重点要说的就是托福作文,尤其是第一篇。第一篇作文的听力有三个反驳的点,第三个点真太没听明白……考完试觉得肯定第*个作文完蛋了。可是ETS还是给的good。为什么呢??? 模板啊亲!!!!!!!!!! 别的不说了,分享了先!大家自己体会!(模板中有个也是从论坛里面分享到的,很有用滴!在此鸣谢那位好心分享的同学!)


  第一篇,说一下reading的main idea,并说出reading和listening之间的关系(一般都是相反的观点):version1 :The reading passage is concerned with the issue of ... The professor's lecture deals with the same issue. However, he thinks that.... Which contradicts what the reading states. Also, he gives several main reasons to cast doubt on each of the author's ideas. / version2 :The reading passage presents some serious disadvantages of wind power as an alternative source of energy. The professor, however, disputes these arguments. Also, he gives several main reasons to cast doubt on each of the reading's ideas.

  第二段,先说reading,再说listening: First of all, even though the reading passage suggests that...., the professor argues in the lecture that... This is because..., which means..... Apparently, the professor's argument disproves its counterparts in the reading.

  第三段,先说reading,再说listening: Secondly, the reading passage also asserts that..... The professor refutes this point as well, pointing out ....

  第四段,为了让文章段落显得不那么死板,体现多样性,就先说listening, 再说reading: In addition, the professor indicates that .... Whereas the author of the reading claims that.... The professor proves that this claim is indefensible by pointing out that......

  结尾: In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies the weakness in the reading passage and convincingly shows that the central argument in the reading is incorrect.

  第二个作文也按五段来写,第一篇: 明确表明你的立场。 第二段:第*个reason+detail+example 第三段:第二个reason+detail+example 第四段:第三个reason+detail+example 第五段:结尾,再次表明立场。

  一般在30分钟内,对大多数人来说能说明白自己观点的小文章,字数大概500左右。 写差不多500字就是最理想的状态了,别超过550。要是您是大牛的话,想写多少写多少吧~~~


  至于为什么会有reason+detail+example 的模式呢?请参照托福作文考题的题目要求……

  Reason哪里来呢? 1. 平时练作文的时候,看到作文题目,一定要自己先想至少三个reason。实在想不出来了再去看看范文的reason是什么。

  2. 平时生活里面多注意积累。要是想不出来,问问身边的朋友,也许别人的一句话就能让你茅塞顿开。

  Detail呢?-------detail就是对reason的说明。2-4句话. 不要太长,也不能太短。看你的写作速度和打字速度,所以自己拿捏啦。



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The friend that you can have fun with is more important than friend that you can get help with. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

  第一篇开头,表明观点:Friends make our life interesting and wonderful. Life would be pretty lonely without them around. Friends are not just for socializing and having fun. Most importantly, they are always there for you when you need help. Personally, I value the friends that I can get help from more than the friends that I can have fun with. (第一篇,阅卷人找的就是这句话。)

  第二段,reason+detail+example: To begin with, friends will come and go in our life; having helpful friends means having people I can count on when I had bitterness and disappointment in my life.(理由1)They are there to listen to me and give me help and advice. It is hard to imagine what would happen without their kindness help.(detail1)For example, (开始举例)six months ago me and my husband of almost 2 years ended our marriage because of his betray. It was so miserable and I tired to commit a suicide in the bathroom. But my friends found me finally and took me to the hospital. They looked after me and kept comforting me and cheer me up. Now, I have already fully recovered from it. I feel very appreciate for their help and realize that having friends who is willing to help is really important, because when you feel like it is the end of the world, and have no one to go to, your friend will always be there for you.(呼应一下这段的首句,提醒阅卷老师你的例子没有跑偏)

  第二段,Reason+detail,这段没写example,但是在detail里面加了一个对比: In addition, helpful friends let you know what the true friendship is, how to be friendly to other people, and how to solve our daily problems, etc.(理由2) People always say that tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. Thus, it is of utmost importance to carefully choose your friends, for they will have great influence on our life. Surround yourself with helpful friends who are models of something instead of experts of nothing, for they are capable of contributing to a solution of your problem from their own experiences. On the contrary, if you surround yourself with lots of friends that you could only have fun with, you can barely learn useful things from them.

  第四段,回到Reason+detail+example: Finally, a helpful friend could also bring us lots of happy time and make our life beautiful.(理由3)Life without them is just like flowers without sunshine.(detail)For example, a helpful friend is generally able to work out a wonderful plan for traveling or doing other interesting things. Most of my friends and I are keen on traveling and we went to Korea last year. It was really fun to stay with them; they arranged almost everything from hotel to cars. We went to lots to tourist sites and tried different kinds of delicious Korean food. I never remain suspicious that I can have fun with them as well.(呼应理由3,顺便提醒老师,例子没写偏)

  第五段 再次表态: To sum up, the factors that have been discussed above lead me to believe that the friend that you can get help from is more important than the friend that you can have fun with. As an old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.


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