
GRE作文5分我是如何拿到的, 附全部个人练笔

作者:网友提供 来源:北京北纬联学 时间:2020-01-10




有道词典 (这个APP可以装在手机上,可以装在电脑上,不管android/iOS还是windows/Mac都有版本,里面*有用的是一个叫有道单词本的东西,记过的单词,可以储存起来,随时随地都可以看,还可以自行customize测试题)

你的手机里的各种GRE做题程序。尤其推荐iPad上一款叫GRE+, 由Arcadia Prep, Inc准备的数学题。非常好。

EverNote (一个我放在iPad上可以随时记作文灵感的app,手机上也有,记录了所有的作文题,没事翻出来一个看看然后想points)



推荐Magoosh () 网站。这个网站真的非常好。大家应该去看。比什么Kaplan, Princeton Review来得好多,对GRE的分析很到位,很细腻。


比较简单的英文文章可以在The Atlantic, Good Magazine, New York Times看到。还有比较晦涩难懂的,譬如Barnes & Noble Review。鉴于GRE经常时不时考一些book review的文章,看这个会有帮助。






比如,关于政治家的ethic problem,可以用,或者来做例子。




这里我强烈推荐大家去用《谁来拯救我的GRE ISSUE》一书。寄托里有人分享下载。

当然,我没有那么多的时间,去整本看完。我主要是看它的分类。一共有五大分类:历史文化传播, 思想文化行为,成长学习教育,政治法律社会,科技生活时代。每个大分类之下,又把类似的文章分成几个小类别。所以,只要这些小类别,你都去想想一些points,正反的观点。然后看看你那几个自己备用的例子能不能adapt上去,就相当于整个题目你已经提前审题好了。


-- 关于政治家的道德, 有以下两个小题目:

104: To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. (Claim)

107: To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. (Statement)


Introduction: I fundamentally agree that public officials must adhere to high ethical and moral standards which are beneficial to the their leadership as well as the society, although it is not their political duty to pursue the highest uprightness in morality.

First of all, public morality and successful leadership are for sure closely connected.

Consider many leaders, such as Hitler, whom most people would agree were egregious violators of public morality -> such leaders forfeit their leadership as a result of the immoral means by which they obtained or wielded their power.

Watergate scandal (a break-in into Democratic National Committee offices before American election and the subsequent attempts in cover-up by Nixon; Nixon administration's abuse of power toward the goal of undermining political opposition). President Nixon, whose contempt for the very legal system that afforded him his leadership led to his forfeiture of it.

The leader has a social responsibility to be morally upright in order to set a good example for the society

All the people who deal with him, whether those working under him or the common people , look up to him. He has responsibilities that he has to fulfill. Such an official needs to be exemplary by setting moral standards . This is because a good leader should act as a motivator and the best motivation to adhere to rules and regulations can be provided by a leader if he practices the regulations himself.

Bill Clinton: Although he was involved in the Lewinsky Scandal , he was considered to be an effective leader. But immorality is very infectious and could creep into the system very quickly . Thus people who would not support my stand could have Mr. Clinton as an excuse for being effective without being a man of morals and integrity. If moral values are compromised by leaders or if they are found to be involved in scandals , their image is smeared in the eyes of the people . Their decisions are scrutinized and their motives will be doubted. This would lead to ineffective leadership. He could have been a more effective leader if he would not have been involved in such a scandal. He admitted his mistake and finally he ,too stuck to morality to salvage his lost pride .

However, it is unrealistic to demand highest or complete pureness in politicians' morality.

In Machiavellians' political thoughts, it is of most importance for politicians to maintain his power and orderliness of the state instead of pursuit of justice.

Politicians are ruling a world which is itself not morally good.

Some prominent figures lie, not for self-serving reasons, but in attempt to secure what they saw as morally important political goals.

In those elections, you can't expect whatever the candidate says is true. They are using political tactics or tricks to convince the electorate to vote for them.

As long as ... then it is okay.


再给一个比较难的提纲,关于艺术的。同样,是《谁来拯救我的GRE ISSUE》那本书的一个分类,叫“艺术与可理解性”。

55: In order for any work of art—for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people. (Statement)

Introduction: I fundamentally disagree with the claim because there are many invaluable artistic works which are not understood by most common people. (首先想好自己的立场)

1. The artists might be ahead of time and produce works which are not appreciated and understood by contemporary people. (灵感来了,记下)

(1. Visual arts, Vincent van gogh. (凡高的例子。这个例子去熟悉一下,以后艺术的题还可以重复用)

(2. Nowadays people appreciate the impressive strokes and colors used in his paintings. Many works received high acclaims such as the starry night.

( 3. However his works were ignored when he was alive.

2. The artistic beauty of a good piece of work might be appealing even though people do not truly understand it's meaning.

(1. song can be merited even if its lyrics are not understandable. The music of the song can be appealing even though it is in a different language. The synthesis of sounds of various musical instruments can create an extremely mellifluous tune attracting people and surpassing the fact that they do not understand its meaning. This explains songs being popular globally.

(2. People feel the emotions, although they interpret it differently in mixture with their emotions.

3. Sometimes the merits of a work can only be judged by select group of people.

( 1. Shakespeare's works.

(2. There are very few people who understand Shakespeare’s plays in its original form. Yet it is truly known work of merit. This is because people need a level of literary skills to be able to comprehend it. This brings it to a higher than the ordinary literary works and sets it apart. The very fact that most people cannot understand some literary works grants it merit, as it needs skill to understand it.






3.1)一种是按部就班。先花五分钟涉及全文思路,然后开始introduction, paragraph 1, paragraph 2那样写个梗概。例子先不写。论证先不写。但是有个文章的枝干在那里。直到所有的points都列出来了,开始填进去例子和论证。

3.2)有些人容易在introduction那里卡半天。这种情况我建议直接开始写paragraph 1,然后文章轴心部分写完了,回头填一个introduction。可以避免浪费时间在introduction上,导致文章主干部分没时间写。

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